While many of Pamela’s favorite organizations are detailed here, in general her deep involvement with Bay Area Not-For-Profits, extends to organizations that:
- Foster music education and performances for the community at large and elementary school children in specific. These performances rekindle some of the magic otherwise lost to the stroke of a pen.
- Develop a camp programs to accommodate medical needs of kids who, with the luck of the draw pulled the Juvenile Diabetes straw. Through these programs it becomes possible for them to have that “summer camp” experience with their peers.
- Design a reliable early child-care and developmental programs for local hospital and airport shift-workers. Through the support offered, family stress is reduced, workplace absenteeism is curbed, and a safe, consistent, and nurturing environment for the children is provided every day.
- Invest time and energy in programs that support and nurture all our children. When we invest in our children, it strengthens our community as a whole.
An Active Commitment to Bay Area Organizations

Currently on the Finance and Administration Committee in her 18th year of service. Initially served on Campaign Cabinet for 3yrs – United Way of the Bay Area
“I like United Way because they provide such an important service to our community. They look at the whole community, do a great big community assessment, and identify the most pressing needs. From there, they fill in the gaps. It’s a broad picture, holistic approach and serves as a catalyst to bring people together when there are pressing issues to be solved.” – Pamela Culp

Actively serving on the Board of Directors since 2011 and in 2013 Chaired the Fundraising Gala for the 4th year – Magic Theater, San Francisco
“Theater is a very important part of people’s lives and adds value by inviting the audience to explore and understand other points of view and life experiences. Magic Theater of San Francisco began in 1967 with a mission to support and develop new playwrights and world premiers. They are exclusively dedicated to this mission, and unique in San Francisco as a result. Several Magic Theater plays have gone on to Broadway, however, it’s their support of playwrights like Luis Alfaro that really captivates me. In Oedipus El Rey, Luis retells the classic Greek tragedy Oedipus Rex from his Chicano perspective. It premiered at Magic Theater in 2010, and has since has gone on to great critical acclaim in Chicago and beyond. Most people may remember that the magic Theater was Sam Shepard’s home and that 16 of his plays premiered here; including the 1978 world premier of Buried Child, which went on to win a Pulitzer Prize in 1979. We recently reprised Buried Child in the run-up to our 50th year celebration in 2017. I am committed to Magic Theater because it takes money to fund their vision. To have a playwright come to town and have an incubator in which to develop a play organically… this is a rewarding and very special process.” – Pamela Culp

Currently on the Board of Directors and Membership Co-chair since 2011. Has also served as Treasurer and Recording Secretary – San Francisco League of the San Francisco Symphony
“The League supports the Symphony through audience development and fundraising to promote music education in the community. With my background in psychiatry, I’m aware of the critical link between music and proper brain development. The League provides free concerts for elementary students as well as music education in the schools in advance of each performance. Fostering this active involvement with music has a demonstrated effect on developmental skills; and math and music are linked in the brain. So much of the arts have been lost in our schools; it is imperative that we engage our community’s children in music and music education whenever possible.” – Pamela Culp

Currently on the Board as President of the Auxiliary – Bay Area Arthritis Auxiliary/Arthritis Foundation
“Over two million children and adults live with arthritis right here in Northern California. It’s pretty staggering when you think of it. The Auxiliary provides educational programs and helps raise research dollars and grant money for Rheumatology fellows at UCSF and Stanford to development new treatments. From a practical standpoint, Arthritis prevention, control and cure is what it is all about. When it comes to the kids, however, it’s about fun! The Auxiliary also funds Camp Milagro where children with Juvenile Arthritis enjoy an outdoor camp experience among friends. With full medical support and an environment of peers facing same issues, all the kids feel included and part of that wonderful childhood experience called camp.” – Pamela Culp

Was on the Board of Directors for a total of 16 years over two, eight year periods. Chaired Annual Gala and two community educational events, and served as Board President for 2yrs – Child Care Coordinating Council of San Mateo County
“What a great example of setting kids up for success! I am very passionate about my involvement with 4’C’s, an agency who looks out for children’s welfare and supports parents to do the best job they can do. This careful attention to what kids need throughout the early developmental years is a proactive mission that preempts so many issues and yields so much good down the road. The Child Care Coordinating Council, 4C’s of San Mateo County, delivers its services to all county residents regardless of income, address or background. 4C’s offers free county-wide referrals to licensed child care providers, counseling and resources for parents, subsidized childcare programs, education for childcare providers and serves as an advocate for children’s issues with state and local governments. It is also a founding agency of Palcare Burlingame.” – Pamela Culp

Served on the Board of Directors – San Francisco Choral Artists
“I love that such beautiful music is so affordable and readily available to our community. From San Francisco, to the East Bay and Peninsula, San Francisco Choral Artists features the work of living composers; including local composers and young composers. They are an impressive chamber ensemble and perform primarily acapella; with occasional collaborations with local musicians. Their New Voices and student composer programs are all part of their magic, and the four concert sets that are offered in locations across the Bay Area are a must see. We are all richer for the music in our lives.” – Pamela Culp

Served on the Board of Directors and as Resource Development Chair for 6yrs and Chaired Annual Gala – Palcare Burlingame
“Palcare is a wonderful example of what can happen when people come together in collaboration to address an urgent need in their community. Palcare offers high-quality, developmentally-based child care and is open 21hrs a day, 7 days a week from 5am – 2am. My involvement on the Board of one of Palcare’s founding agencies; The Child Care Coordinating Council (4C’s) of San Mateo County brought me to Palcare’s door. The 4C’s and other agencies, alongside the San Mateo Labor Council, San Francisco Airport and Hill Peninsula Hospital, set out to develop a center able to provide flexible schedule/hours child care and education programs for the shift-workers of San Mateo County. For parents who previously “patched together” their child’s care, this reliable solution has meant both consistency and peace of mind. For local employers, it has led to a drastic reduction in worker absenteeism. The result has been a win all the way around. Today, this loving environment where children can be curious, discover and thrive continues to impart the “love of learning” to children from across San Mateo County.” – Pamela Culp